Rāmāyan of Sumīr Chand | Monography or Translations of known period | Epic | Survey | Perso-Indica


Monography or Translations of known period
Sumīr Chand, Rāmāyan of Sumīr Chand

[Preliminary Entry] The Rāmāyan of Sumīr Chand is a prose translation of the Sanskrit Rāmāyaṇa that was composed in 1715. The Rampur Raza Library owns a lovely illuminated copy. Sumīr Chand transliterates the first verse of Sanskrit poetry (ādikāvya) into Perso-Arabic script.

A. T.


i) Place of copying; ii) Period of copying; iii) Copyist; iv) Commissioner;
v) Information on colophon; vi) Description of miniatures/illustrations; vii) Other remarks; viii) Information on catalogue(s)

Illustrated manuscript: 

Rampur, Raza Library, Persian No. 5008

, ii)



Hindi translation: Valmiki Ramayana penned by Sumer Chand in the year 1715, Shah Abdus Salam - Waqarul Hasan Siddiqui, eds., Rampur, Raza Library, 2012.

Illustrated work
Main Persian Title: Rāmāyan of Sumīr Chand
Translator: Sumīr Chand
Original Sources:
Year / Period of Composition: 1715